
What is the #FashionEcoScore Challenge?

The Fashion Eco Score Challenge consists of 14 straight days (two weeks) of assigning a score (out of ten total points) to your outfits. While you will still gain great knowledge by scoring your outfit once, if you score your outfit for a full consecutive week you will start to notice patterns and trends. In two weeks, you can experience a full transformation that will help you confidently bring light to your personal sustainable fashion choices and behaviors. When I created Fashion Eco Score, I scored my outfits for 30 days straight. From my experience, two weeks is enough time to reap the full benefits. To learn how to score each outfit in more detail, click here.

FAQs while taking the challenge

When should I do the challenge? How long does it last?

The Fashion Eco Score Challenge is meant to be completed once during each of the seasons (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) so you can learn about your complete wardrobe. You can also do the challenge at any time as a refresher, especially if you have changed your habits after completion of a challenge. The Fashion Eco Score Challenge consists of 14 straight days (two weeks) of scoring your outfits. While you will still gain great knowledge by scoring your outfit once, at least seven consecutive days (one week) are recommended.

Do I have to post on social media?

It is not required to post on social media, but there are great benefits of posting. Sharing your outfit’s Fashion Eco Score on social media helps keep yourself accountable, increases your motivation, and brings fashion sustainability awareness to your followers. If you post on social media use the tags @fashionecoscore and #fashionecoscorechallenge, and we will gladly feature and/or support you! Remember– progress is valued over perfection.

Does it cost anything?

Nope! The Fashion Eco Score Challenge is completely free and fun. All we ask for is your participation and feedback on how we can grow our movement and make sustainable fashion motivating, accessible, and inclusive for everyone.

Who do I message if I have questions or need help?

DM @FashionEcoScore on Instagram or email We are happy to help you and answer any questions!


There’s more merit to how you dress than just wanting to look cute. I really do think it’s a powerful signal of self care.” – Sophia Bush

Actionable Change and Confidence

When I buy clothes, I’ll research the brand more and think about whether I’ll wear it 30 times.– Fashion Eco Score Challenge survey response

As the Chinese proverb goes, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Completing the Fashion Eco Score Challenge helps ensure that your actions speak louder than words and that you are living out your values with absolute confidence.

Personalized Knowledge & Awareness

“It’s good to hear that wearing something at least 30 times helps make it a more sustainable choice! I have some unethical brands from previous purchases, but I will continue to wear them to increase their longevity.” – Fashion Eco Score Challenge survey response

Sustainable fashion can be overwhelming and feel judgmental. The Fashion Eco Score Challenge is the perfect place to start, whether you’re just starting to learn about sustainable fashion or if you consider yourself an experienced professional in the field. Learn practical tips that will help gain relevant knowledge according to YOU. The challenge is meant to help begin and enrich your own personal sustainability journey by equipping you with tools, data, and community support.

You’ll appreciate your clothes even more!

“This exercise helped me realize that one of the brands I already loved wearing because of comfort actually takes sustainability incredibly seriously, which makes me want to support them even more :)” – Fashion Eco Score Challenge survey response

It’s so tempting to throw on your clothes every day and not think twice. We are often aware but fear the answers when we ask ourselves, did the person who made this garment earn a living wage? Was this item of clothing mass-produced or made with the environment in mind? Are the materials I’m wearing harmful for the planet? Perfection is impossible, but it’s never too late to move forward and make impactful change. Completing the Fashion Eco Score Challenge will give you a renewed sense of appreciation for the clothes you already own and can even reveal positive surprises! As in the example above, you may love a brand even more after learning that they had sustainability initiatives in place all along but had no idea.

Motivation & Support

I don’t know about you, but it’s been hard to put on clothes that aren’t pajamas during COVID-19 quarantine. Times are tough and we could all use an extra boost. When you join the Fashion Eco Score Challenge, you can request to be added to our group chat and meet like-minded individuals from across the country that are trying to make the world and their community a better place. Exchange your favorite sustainable brands, businesses, and ideas and benefit from a virtual community cheering you on.